We all have a strange place in our hearts for that one company or brand. It may not be logical, it may not even make sense, but time and time again we revisit its location. Despite all my progress towards a natural life, a healthy way of living, and organic food. I’m a sucker for McDonalds. It may be the late night runs I made during college, the frequent first dates held in the crowded outdoor patio, or more likely, my mother — who instilled in me her love of their french fries.

Even today, over 3 years after she passed, I still love to drive a few minutes out of the way just to stop by their cafe. I rarely, if ever, order any food there anymore. It’s usually busy, I’m usually in a hurry, and it doesn’t really fill me up much. Their cafe is something else, though. Strangely left un-phased by the waves of crowds the cafe offers drinks and cakes to go in just about a minute. So I can get right back on the road and keep heading to where I want to be, and so I don’t feel guilty using their restroom.

 McDonalds McCafe Coffee Review:

DSC04358When I saw McDonalds offered their coffee in stores, I jumped at the thought of no longer doing a 10-minute drive of shame. I also thought it would be cool to do a McDonalds McCafe Coffee Review. I chose their premium roast in Medium (it’s the red one). almost all of their products get incredibly high ratings (but, then again so does Maxwell) so I got my hopes up and dove right in. Here’s what McCafe has to say about their beans:

Wake up to the delicious aroma of McCafe Premium Roast Coffee or enjoy a cup when you want to take a break and relax. The unique taste comes from 100-percent Arabica beans that are harvested from Central and South America. These mountainous regions are plentiful in rich soil, which is optimal for coffee growing. The medium ground 12-oz coffee is smooth and evenly blended. It has just the right balance to savor after dinner, with breakfast pastries and cookies or by itself. Now you can serve McDonald’s McCafe Premium Roast in your own kitchen.

Smooth and balanced
McCafe ground coffee is made from 100-percent Arabica beans
Medium ground coffee
Tempting aroma that you will enjoy as much as the flavor
Pair it with donuts, bagels, muffins, cookies, breakfast sandwiches and more
Enjoy it any time of day
How much does it cost?

I loved the description, so I had to run out and grab a bag, no wait, I lied, I made my husband pick it up. The price line up surprised me a bit, that’s for sure. Maybe it was the small bag, but I expected McCafe to be a hair more expensive than Starbucks. This is all before coupons, of course, so be sure to adjust as you will. In this McDonalds McCafe Coffee Review, I use 9 grams of coffee per cup.

From Wal-Mart

Maxwell 28oz   $7.44: 8.5 cents a cup
Folgers 10.3oz $3.94: 11.5 cents a cup
McCafe 12oz $5.84: 15.8 cents a cup
Starbucks 20oz $11.98: 19.3 cents a cup
Cafe Britt Coffee 12oz $11.00: 32 cents a cup

What are you getting?

Overall, the packaging was pretty standard, I’m not a fan of the bagged style of coffee. I don’t feel it keeps the beans fresh, but the bag was only 12 ounces so, *shrug*. Overall the grind is good, not fine at all, more of a medium coarse. Good enough for just about any purpose.

Well, anything but espresso.


 Is McDonald’s Coffee sustainable?

As of the date of this McDonalds McCafe coffee review, 25% of McDonald’s coffee worldwide is UTZ Certified or Fair-Trade or Rainforest Alliance Certified, according to their website here. They also make claims to improve this number in the future. That still makes it hard to swallow that 3/4ths of your coffee might be destroying rainforests or harming the environment or harvested by exploited workers, Yay! I guess that’s why it tastes so good, tears and guilt. Sure, they claim they’re working on it, but come on! This is McDonalds they have enough money to literally, not figurately, buy entire countries. I’m not buying they can’t source sustainable coffee. Non-certified coffee is cheaper and lets’ face it, 25% is a big enough number to say they’re really not secretly building Skynet in the basement.

What does it taste like?

Surprisingly good. No, really. Sure, It’s not great, it’s not life altering, either, it probably won’t even impress your guests. But, it is definitely drinkable. So the next time you’re on your way home and you REALLY don’t want to resort to can coffee, think about grabbing this. You’ll relax in your armchair, reminiscing about overworked cashiers, mystery food preparers, rude dinner guests, and a table with undetermined cleanliness.

Where can you buy McCafe Beans?

You can get McCafe coffee in just about every grocery store around. You’ll also find it in online stores like Amazon. Oh hey, did you know? When you place an order through our Amazon links you support our websites and charities! All without ever costing you a dime.

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